Whisper had me all up in my feelings. I was completely captivated by Prism’s and Arsen’s connection—it’s so FIYAH! The hurt/comfort dynamic here is pure gold. These two fell hard and fast… like first comes nookie, then comes the digits. Classic!
Arsen’s ability to see and anticipate Prism’s needs is probably the superstar of the narrative for me. It was so endearing and sexy, putting him snugly in the baddie bf column. The things that he says—ooo wee, that’s a lot of sugar. But I don’t mind those cavities, though.
I’ll admit, Prism is a bit different than I imagined from the other books, but he is so lovable. Whether it’s his intense admiration/obsession/devotion to Arsen, his vulnerability with his brother, his protectiveness of his sister, or his secret joy at being part of and accepted by the Elite crew, Prism’s character is a delightful surprise.
As always, the found family is alive and well. We get several laugh-out-loud scenes that also highlight what we love about each of the characters from the previous books.
And I definitely didn’t see the drama coming in this one. My goodness! Despite everything that has happened to Prism and all his fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities, he is still a very strong character. His survival instinct may have been born of necessity, but now he’s fighting like hell to live his life and fit in. It’s wild that he doesn’t even know how strong he is.
– Locker room scene: Steamy!
– Radio station scene: Holy intense music to my ears!
– Kruger: In top form and stealing every scene.
– Lars: Literally everyone has a crush on him.
– Pink BRO shirt (Pic 1): (See, this is what happens when you need to avoid reviews and teasers because you took forever to read the book🙋🏽‍♀️)
– Vacay plans: Novella anyone???
– Chalant AF: Totally stealing that!
Whisper is an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you breathless. Dive into this captivating world and let the feels take over!