My Favorite Part of Being a Copy Editor
It’s like learning a new language with every client. And I’m not talking about the usual stuff like grammar and syntax (although, let’s be real, that’s my jam too). I’m talking about something deeper—learning a writer’s unique voice and making it my own for a while.
You get a manuscript, and at first, it’s just words on a page. But then, you start to dig in. You listen to the rhythm of the sentences, the quirks of the dialogue, and the flow of the narrative. It’s like getting a backstage pass to the writer’s mind. You uncover the significance of each line, the intention behind every phrase, and the meaning woven into the fabric of their storytelling.
One of my favorite parts is figuring out the meaning of certain formatted sentences. Why did the author choose to break a line here? What’s the impact of this particular punctuation mark? It’s like solving a puzzle where the pieces are emotions, intentions, and unspoken thoughts.
And then there are the characters. Each one speaks in a way that’s unique to them, with their own mannerisms, slang, and quirks. As a copy editor, I get to dive into their world. I figure out how each character ticks, how they would respond in any given situation, and make sure their voice stays consistent throughout the story.
It’s truly not just about making corrections or suggesting changes. It’s about maintaining the authenticity of the writer’s voice and staying true to THEIR intentions—respecting their style and enhancing it.
There’s this incredible moment when you realize you’ve cracked the code of their voice. You can predict how they would write a sentence, what words they would choose, and how they would express a particular emotion.
And that’s what makes being a copy editor so magical. It’s more than a job; it’s an adventure through the minds and stories of others. Each new project is a journey into a different world, and I get to be a part of bringing that world to life, one beautifully crafted sentence at a time.